Grants 101 Resources

A Pre-Submission Checklist, Plus an Action Steps Worksheet

Feb 09, 2023

Hi, grant writers:

Final miles are tough. I was reminded of this idea when I walked Heartbreak Hill with my older sister.

She said, “Why do they call this Heartbreak Hill? It’s not even a hill. There’s barely an incline.”

I explained, “It’s near the end of the Boston Marathon. Any incline is hard at the end of a race.”

Final miles are especially tough in grant writing. The finishing touches aren’t hard per se. But you just want to get the grant off your plate. You’re too pooped to remember that you need to:

  • Recheck the application instructions.
  • Do a consistency check to make sure your tables are numbered sequentially.
  • Ponder questions reviewers will have - and address them.

So here’s a pre-submission checklist to help you get through your next grant submission. It looks like this. If you click on the image, you can snag a copy.

I also threw in worksheets with the action steps from The Grant Writing Guide (see tabs 2 - 6). The worksheets are interactive. When you click a checkbox, the item is automatically crossed-off the list.

That’s all for today! If you know anyone who could use a boost in the final mile of grant writing, would you mind forwarding today’s newsletter to them? Thank you, as always, for reading and believing that scholars deserve support for incredible ideas.


Stay in touch: The Newsletter, Twitter, and The Grant Writing Guide book.

P.S. If you bought my book on Amazon, would you mind leaving a review of the book? Reviews help people find the book. To leave a review, click on this link and scroll down to where it says “write a customer review.” Thank you so much for your support, regardless of whether you leave a review!

P.P.S. How do you use Excel or Google Sheets in your work? I’m loving these interactive features, and using the formulas has been so helpful for grading and administrative work. Would love to take an “Sheets for Scholars” course if you know of one!